Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Success Quotes...
Thomas Jefferson
Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself.
Theodore T. Hunger
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Loyd Wright
A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.
Elbert Hubbard
There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way.
Christopher Morley
Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.
Dennis Waitley
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
Vince Lombardi
I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure--which is:
Try to please everybody.
Herbert Bayard Swope
Monday, June 11, 2007
We are all motivated by a keen desire for praise, and the better a man is,
the more he is inspired to glory.
Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom.
They can because they think they can.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier
The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Loyd Wright
A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.
Elbert Hubbard
There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way.
Christopher Morley
Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.
Dennis Waitley
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Harold R. McAlindon
Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something
you want done because he wants to do it.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
There go the people.
I must follow them for I am their leader.
Alexandre Ledru-Rollin
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Your Legacy - What Will You Leave Behind?
It's non-negotiable: You will leave a legacy. The question is not whether you'll leave a legacy but what legacy you will leave.
Your legacy comprises both ends and means. Is winning really winning when you are ashamed of how victory came? The means by which you move through your life provide the working platform that supports your goals. Style, courtesy, honesty, respect-these are the qualities that make for an inspiring legacy. The way you live your life has an effect on how you are remembered. How can the ends of your efforts be respected if the means make you want to blush in embarrassment?
Thinking of your legacy is like starting anything new. You are either gung-ho or baffled. To break through the legacy blocks, close your eyes and envision the outcome of a successful life- our successful life. What do you see? What do you hear? Who are you with? How do you feel?
This picture may start a bit fuzzy, but stick with it. Contemplation brings clarity, and when the picture is in focus, study what you see-your legacy.
As you age, the clock and calendar force you to make a move. Time does not permit dallying with options. Your goals must be clear, responsibilities fulfilled, intentions and actions honorable. You must decide: If not this way, there is no other way. Otherwise, kiss the legacy you envision goodbye.
You can dodge the questions for quite some time. Why am I here? What will I leave behind? But, eventually, we all reach our own philosophical puberty and realize that these questions call for-in fact, demand-answers. To arrive at the point that you think seriously about your legacy, you must first reach a level of reality and commitment that represents an eternity to follow.
Retire into yourself and think. The wonderful part of considering your legacy is the clarity it brings to daily decisions. Each decision moves you closer to or further from your legacy. Your legacy offers advice on how to live in the present in order to be remembered well when you are gone.
Make this life of yours into a work of art. Your legacy is a self-portrait, the signature of your life's presence. It will be summed up in a few words-let those words be good and true. Remember, they will talk about you when you are gone.
We only live once, but once is enough if we do it right. Live your life with class, dignity, and style so that an exclamation, rather than a question mark, signifies it!
So what legacy awaits you? When you take your final bow, who will you be? How will you enter eternity? Will you be just a footnote in history? Every day the plot thickens, the cement hardens, the mystery deepens. Live to answer and honor these questions, because when it comes to your legacy, everything counts!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Notable Facts
You were made to climb, not crawl.
You were designed to fly, not fall.
You can swim and not sink.
Go ahead, read and succeed!
2. Get ready... Opportunity Ahead.
3. All it takes... just do your best today.
4. Others will help you succeed.
5. Life is a whole season... not one game.
6. Replace all negatives with positives.
7. Concentrate on small improvements.
8. Make pleasant memories Along The way.
9. You can't make a good deal with a bad person.
10. Most wins are by small margins.
11. Luck has very little to do with success.
12. Many opportunities come from new friends.
13. Do not share everything with others.
14. Do not watch the news...Make the news.
15. Learn life's Dangerous lessons from others.
16. Positive action always brings positive results.
17. All major success is a joint Effort.
18.Generosity is both right and rewarding.
19. Life picks on Everyone...Do not take it personally.
20. Be world class... Strive for Quality.
21. Don't count on changing other people.
22. Retain or regain your integrity
23. Get what you want by A-S-K-I-N-G.
24. Life is often unfair,Succeed Anyway.
25. Spoil your employers whether they deserve it or not.
26. All good things start small.
27. All Decisions are not equal.
28. Start from where you are now.
29. Some Decisions are best made only once.
30. You do not have to feel good to do good.
Monday, May 7, 2007
2. A true leader is a model for his followers.
3. Great leaders never desire but to serve.
4. Leadership has very little to do with what you do and is fundamentally a matter of becoming who you are.
5. Leaders are simply people who dare to be themselves and are able to express themselves fully.
6. You become a leader when you decide not to be a copy but an original.
7. We are all capable of leadership by design, but we cannot lead correctly and effectively unless we are led by His Spirit.
8. Leadership is the ability of one person to influence others.
9. Leadership is first being, then doing.
10. A title and position do not guarantee performance and productivity.
11. Leadership is impossible without a guiding vision and a purpose that generates passion for accomplishment.
12. The purest form of leadership is influence through inspiration.
13. Inspiration is the opposite of intimidation and is absent of manipulation.
14. An important ingredient of the leadership function is the ability to draw the best out of other people.
15. Real qualities of leadership are to be found in those who are willing to suffer for the sake of objectives great enough to demand their whole-hearted obedience.
16. Good leaders employ others, great leaders deploy themselves and others.
17. You were born to lead but you must become a leader, just as one may be born a male but must become a man.
18. A leader is one who leads others to leadership.
19. The essence of becoming a leader is knowing and becoming yourself.
20. True leaders learn from others, but they are not made by nor become others.
- Wherever you are, be there.
- Don't miss anything, pay attention.
2. Ability to reflect.
- Go over your notes again, listen to the tape(s) again.
- Take few hours at the end of the week, capture everyday.
- Go to the closet, meditate, take some time and reflect over the past year, past months, etc.
3. Ability to share.
- When everybody shares, everybody wins.
- Sharing makes you bigger than you are.
4. Ability to act.
- When your idea and emotions are hot, that is the time to act.
- It is not what happens now that determines the later part of your future, it is what you do with it.
- If you will change, everything will change around you; the change should be inside you.
- People don't do well because they major on the minor.
1. Learn how to handle the "winter"(economic, social, political winters), it won't change.
- Don't wish it was easier, wish for more skills.
- Get stronger, wiser and better.
2. Learn to take advantage of the "spring" (it comes after the winter).
- Opportunity follows difficulty.
- Take advantage of the opportunities; Life is short.
3. Learn how to "reap" in the fall without complain.
- Apologize if you have not done well.
- Disappointments are not exclusive for the poor, it comes also to the rich.
- Wherever you are, be there.
If you wish to be wise - Study wisdom
Anything you wish to be, Study it
Learn to work harder on yourself, than on your job
Information and ideas are simply the major keys to success
1. Make your own life the important study, eliminate the negative. Confront the errors in योर own life.
2. Learn from the mistakes of others.
- Read the books and listen to the cassettes of successful leaders.
- Read or listen to something inspirational at least 30 minutes a day.
- Good food and good words are needed to survive.
- Invest in your own self
- The best money spent is the money invested in your own self education.
- Let your library show that you are a serious student.
- Get a book on law.
- Keep a journal, don't trust your memory.
- If you hear something inspirational, write it down.
3. Legacies to leave behind
- Take a lot of pictures, a picture is worth more than a thousand words.
- Your Library. Get books about wealth and also books that will make you grow.
- Keep journals.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Building Self Esteem
The importance of building self esteem is finally catching on. All successful people in our society now realize their egos are an asset. Top performers in athletics, business, or any other career are always convinced they can be heroes. And it shows.
There's nothing wrong with being proud of what we've done, of what we think we can do, or of who we are and where we come from.
The higher your self-esteem, the more you like yourself, the better you get along with others, and the more you accomplish.
Small successes give us greater self-confidence, which leads to the pursuit of bigger challenges, and then bigger successes.
Margaret Thatcher once said, "I wasn't lucky, I deserved it." This pride is necessary to improve our present situation.
So how do we go about building self esteem?
Most people increase their self esteem by DOing. They take action over and over again. Then, when evaluating their self-image, they referrence all their success instead of their failures (even though there's almost always more failures).
Look for new and significant challenges. Look to do more and open new horizons. Building self esteem is the result of taking challenging actions and emphasising your successes.
There might be a degree of security in repeating the same little tasks that you know backwards and forewards, but that doesn't raise your opinion of yourself.
It's the unusually difficult task that instills a sense of accomplishment and builds self-esteem. If the challenge is great enough, even failing can leave you with a positive feeling about yourself, as long as you gave it your best shot.
Here are two more simple ways to feel good about yourself:
1) Feel good about your appearance. Feeling clean, well-groomed, and not sloppy looking will help you feel more assertive and sure of yourself. Most of the time, you'll know the people you're going to see and know what "appropriate appearance" is.
Before you leave the house, you will either feel good about yourself, or not. If not, don't leave until you fix it. Why spend the whole night feeling self-conscious and trying to hide whatever it is that bothers you?
2) Do something nice for somebody else. This is a very effective way of building self esteem, and it's soooo easy.
Simple ideas for building self esteem through generosity:
--Participate in a community service event.
--Join a club or group that does things for charity.
--Visit a nursing home and spend time with the residents.
--Teach an illiterate person how to read.
--Be a big brother or sister.
--Give your seat on the train to an elderly person.
--Offer directions to tourists.
This list could go on and on. Do something nice for somebody and the person who benefits most will be you.
Building self esteem and feeling good about yourself comes from within.
It comes from correct principles deep in your mind and heart.
It comes from living a life of integrity in which our daily habits reflect our deepest values. (A life of integrity is the most fundamental source of personal worth.)
You can accomplish these things without fanfare and acknowledgement. Self-satisfaction, not recognition, becomes the motive.
Over the next few days make an honest effort to do some of the things described on this page. If you don't act, you won't change. If you do act, you'll be amazed at the results.
How To Set Goals
If you want to be successful you've got to learn how to set goals and focus your life in pursuit of those goals.
How to set goals...
Next is to set more specific goals that will put you on the path towards your "WHY." If your goals are a proper extension of your WHY, they will be in harmony with your values, and you will have the ability to achieve them.
They are YOUR goals. They are not goals imposed through the "datasphere" or from other people. They reflect YOUR values, YOUR talents, YOUR mission, and they come out of YOUR chosen roles in life.
An effective goal focuses primarily on results rather than activity.
But it's still important to enjoy the process. The specific ways you get things done change over time, as you learn more. But your goals remain the same.
If you're constantly looking for the end result without consideration of the process you'll become inpatient and stressed. Then you'll feel less enthusiastic about setting goals in the future.
An effective goal identifies where you want to be. It gives you important information on how to get there, and it tells you when you have arrived.
It unifies your efforts and energy. It gives meaning and purpose to your life. It allows you to be proactive and take charge of your life.
You WILL make things happen each day. You WILL be more organized, as well as more productive.
When figuring out how to set goals keep in mind that they have to be achievable. By setting a goal that is too high, you'll often end up frustrated, stressed, and hopeless.
In contrast, repeated victories will result in higher self-esteem and more confidence in setting higher goals, which result in greater productivity. Your energy level will remain high and you'll feel content.
There will be times when the process is boring. At these times, it's vital that you have a strong commitment to the goal. Some people call this leverage.
For example, if you have a goal to make an extra $20,000 this year to pay for your child's heart surgery, I bet you'll find a way to make it happen. You've got the leverage - you have a big enough WHY.
Only with an exceptional commitment will you be able to take undesirable action to achieve what you want.
Approaching something with the end in mind allows you to keep your values and direction clear. There is less possibility of getting side-tracked or being reactive to momentary pressures.
Always finish what you start. Being committed to your goal from the beginning will help you to complete the process.
On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile. Prior to that, virtually every expert in the field said that it was impossible. They were convinced that this feat was beyond the physical capability of the human body.
Bannister didn't hear them. He had his own thoughts on the subject. The year after Bannister shocked the experts, 37 other runners broke the four-minute mile. The year after that, 300 runners did it.
Harvey Mackay, in his book Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive, elaborates on Mr. Bannister's accomplishments:
"A few years ago, in New York, the Fifth Avenue Mile was run and thirteen out of thirteen runners broke the four-minute mile in a single race.
The runner who finished dead last would have performed "the impossible" just a few decades earlier. What happened? There were no great breakthroughs in training technique. Human bones didn't suddenly improve. But human attitudes did.
It doesn't matter if others say you can't do something. What matters, the only thing that matters, is if you say you can't do it.
Before Bannister, we all believed in the experts. Bannister believed in himself. If you believe in yourself, there's nothing you can't accomplish. So don't quit. Don't ever quit."
You must want your goal more than anything and work every day towards accomplishing your goal.
(Even if you have no time during the day to take action towards your goal, you can take a few minutes to visualize it. Constantly visualizing yourself accomplishing your goal is a powerful way to help achieve it.)
The Best Kept Secret Of The Rich
So what made the difference? Time management.
I don’t like to use the word time management. You can only manage something you can control. You can’t control time. You can’t add more hours or control what’s going to happen. I like to use the term time maximizing.
Maximizing that 24 hours. Time is more valuable then money. It’s your most important asset. We all start the day with 24 hours. No more...No less.
It’s what we do with that 24 hours that will shape our lives. Once it’s gone, you can’t go back and get it. You can always get more money but never more time. There is no time bank to lend you time. You invest it, spend it or waste it.
The moment you begin to think of time as precious, a resource and that it has a price, the richer you’ll become.
Here are ten suggestions to help you start maximizing your time:
1. Learn to say NO
This is the most effective time maximizing word.
2. When you work—work and when you play—play
Don’t mix the two. Give it your all while working but once your business obligations are done, take the time to play.
3. Know your peak hours
Discover your most productive time. Schedule your most demanding business activities during your peak hours.
4. The telephone is for your convenience
There is no law that says you have to answer the phone or give out your cell phone number. If you don’t have a secretary, use caller ID, answering machine or voice mail to screen you calls. Return them at your convenience. This applies to both business and family time.
5. Use one calendar - Day Planner
Make your day planner the central location for your information. Keep track of business expenses, both personal and business appointment, telephone conversations, meeting notes, to do list etc.
6. Know the value of an hour
Take the total amount of hours you work a week and multiply them by 50. Now take your current yearly income and divide it by those hours. That is your hourly worth.
For example: You work 30 hours a week. 30 x 50 = 1500. Your income is $100,000. Divide $100,000 by 1500 and you get $56.67. Your working hour is worth $56.57. Repeat this for your desired income.
7. Hire somebody or delegate it
Are you really saving money doing it yourself or is costing you money?
8. Have a game plan
Always plan your day before you start. This is going to take great discipline. Once you’ve mastered that move to planning your week, then a month, 3 months, 6 month, and than a year.
9. Manage Interruptions
Put a do not disturb sign on your door. If some on insist on interrupting you with a problem, have them write it out with 3 possible solutions before seeing you. Don’t forget to turn the TV off. TV is a great time interrupter. Actually it’s a great time stealer.
10. Organize your work space and home
Disorganization and messiness can weigh you down. You’ll get more done if your organized. This may take more time up front to set it up but will save time in the long run.
Either you run your day or your day will run you, which do you choose
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
"Beautiful thoughts of all kinds crystallize into habits of grace and kindliness, which solidify into genial and sunny circumstances; pure thoughts crystallize into habits of temperance and self-control. " — James Allen
"Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves— to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterday by our today." — Stewart B. Johnson
"Life is like a book we can either study it or let it gather dust on the shelves of the world." — Rene Godefroy
"It isn’t your position that makes you happy or unhappy, it’s your disposition." — O. S. Marden
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, To everyone you can."
— Ancient Advice
"It a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it." — W. Sommerset Morgan
"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult." — Seneca
"Some men see things as they are, and ask, “why?” I dare to dream of things that never were, and ask—”Why not?” -- George Bernard Shaw
"Big shots are little shots that keep shooting." — Christopher Morley
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." — Oliver Wendell Holmes
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
— Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.
"The pain you feel is the breaking of shell that encloses your understanding." — Cahil Gibran
"Success is not measure by the position one has reached in life, rather by the obstacles one overcomes while trying to succeed."
— Booker T. Washington
"A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." — Winston Churchill
"Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what to do. Attitude determines how well you do it." — Aldous Huxley
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." — Proverb 17:22
"Life is just a minute only sixty seconds in it, forced upon you, can‘t refuse it. Didn‘t seek it, didn‘t choose it, but It‘s up to you to use it. You must suffer if you lose it, give an account if you abuse it, just a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it." — Dr. Benjamin E. Mays
"It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow." — Robert J. Hasting
"People do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing." — Oliver Wendell Holmes
"Everything you remember, I forgot, and everything
you forgot, I remember." — God
"People do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing." — Oliver Wendell Holmes
"If one advances confidently in the directions of his dreams, and endeavor to live the life has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." — Henry David Thoreau
The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History
It's the one thing some of the wealthiest people on the planet have done and are doing.
It's the one thing written about in various ancient cultures and still promoted today.
It's the one thing that will bring money to anyone who does it but at the same time most people will fear doing it.
What is that one thing?
John D. Rockefeller did it since he was a child. He became a billionaire.
Andrew Carnegie did it, too. He became a tycoon.
What is the greatest money-making secret in history?
What is the one thing that works for everyone?
Give money away.
That's right. Give it away.
Give it to people who help you stay in touch with your inner world.
Give it to people who inspire you, serve you, heal you, love you.
Give it to people without expecting them to return it, but give it knowing it will come back to you multiplied from some source.
In 1924 John D. Rockefeller wrote to his son and explained his practice of giving away money. He wrote, " the beginning of getting money, away back in my childhood, I began giving it away, and continued increasing the gifts as the income increased..."
Did you notice what he said? He gave away more money as he received more income. He gave away $550 million dollars in his lifetime.
P.T. Barnum gave money away, too. As I wrote in my book on him, "There's A Customer Born Every Minute," Barnum believed in what he called a "profitable philanthropy." He knew giving would lead to receiving. He, too, became one of the world's richest men.
Andrew Carnegie gave enormously, too. While some might argue that these early tycoons had the money to give, so it was easy for them, I would argue that they got the money in part because they were willing to freely give. The giving led to the receiving. The giving led to more wealth.
Today it's fashionable for businesses to give money to worthy causes. It makes them look good and of course it helps those who receive it. Anita Roddick's Body Shop stores, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield's ice cream, and Yvon Chouinard's Patagonia, are living examples of how giving can be good for business.
But what I'm talking about here is individual giving. I'm talking about you giving money so you will receive more money.
If there's one thing I think people do wrong when they practice giving, is they give too little. They hold on to their money and let it trickle out when it comes to giving. And that's why they aren't receiving. You have to give, and give a lot, to be in the flow of life to receive.
I remember when I first heard about the idea of giving. I thought it was a scheme to get me to give money to the people who were telling me to do the giving.
If I did give, it was like a miser. Naturally, what I got in return was equivalent to what I gave. I gave little. I got little.
But then one day I decided to test the theory of giving.
I love inspiring stories. I read them, listen to them, share them, and tell them. I decided to thank Mike Dooley of for the inspiring messages he shares with me and others every day by email.
I decided to give him some money. In the past I would have given him maybe five dollars. But that's when I came from scarcity and feared the giving principle wouldn't work. This time would be different. I took out my check book and wrote a check for one thousand dollars.
Mike was stunned. He got my check in the mail and nearly drove off the road as he headed home. He couldn't believe it.
I loved making him so happy. I delighted in giving the money to him. Whatever he did with it was fine with me. What I got was an incredible feeling of helping someone continue doing what I believed in. It was an inner rush to help him. I still rejoice at sending him the money.
And then something wonderful began to happen.
I suddenly got a call from a person who wanted me to co-author his book, a job that ended up paying me many times over what I had given away.
And then a publisher in Japan contacted me, wanting to buy the translation rights to my best-selling book, "Spiritual Marketing." They, too, offered me many times what I had given my friend as a gift.
A true skeptic can say these events are unrelated. Maybe in the skeptic's mind, they aren't. In mine, they are.
When I gave money to Mike, I sent a message to myself and to the world that I was prosperous and in the flow. I also set up a magnetic principle that attracted money to me: As you give, so you will get.
Give time and you'll get time.
Give products and you'll get products.
Give love and you'll get love.
Give money and you'll get money.
This one tip alone can transform your finances. Think of the person or persons who have inspired you over the last week. Who made you feel good about yourself, your life, your dreams, or your goals?
Give that person some money. Give them something from your heart. Don't be stingy. Come from abundance, not scarcity. Give without expecting return from that person, but do expect return. As you do, you will see your own prosperity grow.
Try it and see.
Harvard Uni drop out. $56.0 billion Microsoft USA 51yo - Married, 3 children
2. Warren Buffett (married longtime girlfriend on his 76th birthday last Aug.) Will donate $31 billion to charity! $52.0 billion Berkshire Hathaway USA 76yo - Married, 3 children
3. Carlos Slim Helu
$19 billion richer this year! $49.0 billion Telecom Mexico 67yo - Widowed, 6 children
4. Ingvar Kamprad & family
Started selling furniture in 1947. $33.0 billion Ikea (retail) Has stores in 34 countries. Sweden 80yo - Married, 4 children
5. Lakshmi Mittal $32.0 billion Mittal Steel (manufacturing steel) India 56yo - Married, 2 children
6. Sheldon Adelson
City College of NY drop out. $26.5 billion casinos, hotels USA 73yo - Married, 5 children
7. Bernard Arnault $26.0 billion LVMH (world's largest luxury goods empire) France 58yo - Married, 5 children
8. Amancio Ortega
High School drop out.
$24.0 billion Zara (apparel manufacturer) owns 3,000 Zara retail stores in 64 countries Spain 71yo - Married, 3 children
9. Li Ka-shing
High School drop out. $23.0 billion diversified Hong Kong 78yo - Widowed, 2 children
10. David Thomson & family $22.0 billion inherited (father, Kenneth Thomson, 82, died last June) Canada 49yo - Divorced, 3 children
For women world rich list and other rich list, visit Rich Bastards
Secret world of China's richest men
Southern Weekly recently conducted a survey of the richest entrepreneurs on the Chinese mainland, all of whom had an average individual wealth of 2.202 billion yuan. They were asked about their career and money, as well as religious beliefs, marriage and family, views on sexual relations and life in general.
There are 80 people on China's annual richest entrepreneur list, which draws only from the mainland. While 55 percent of these men on took part in the survey and returned their questionnaires, only 33 of them were valid .
The average age of those surveyed is 49.8; the oldest is 58 and youngest 33. Seven were in their 30s, accounting for 21.2 percent of the total; nine were in their 40s, 27.3 percent of the group; eleven were in their 50s, the largest age group, making up 33.3 percent of the total figure; and only 6 were over 60, 18.2 percent of the Chinese mainland's richest men.
Only 17 of these men held bachelor degrees, 51.5 percent of the group, and 8 held masters degrees or higher, 24.2 percent of the group.
In terms of career, as many as 75 percent of China's richest entrepreneurs have worked in similar organizations and industries, and some of them have held high managerial posts. Of them, 16 were CPC members, 48.5 percent of the total.
There were five categories in the questionnaire: career, wealth, marriage and family, religion and life.
Career is just one part of life, and a course through it, but wealth plays a big role.
Of those surveyed 27 acknowledged this when they were asked for their views on their career. Only four said their careers meant everything to them and two claimed to be indifferent.
When asked how they would choose to dispose of their property, only three were willing to hand it over to the stand. Fifteen said they would trust the process to professional agents and twelve would pass it on to family members. One said he would hand donate it to those in need, one had never considered the matter before and one declined to answer.
Most of mainland China's richest men have mixed feelings about money.
Asked where they spent most of their money ¨C outside of further business development ¨C 13 of the 33 surveyed said they would improve the welfare of their employees and managerial team, 12 said they would donate money to charities, 5 said they would cultivate and develop their personal hobbies, and 3 said they would improve their own standard of living.
As of what the huge wealth would bring on them, most of the rich people attached great importance on social status and sense of achievement money has brought on them. Meanwhile, 7 of them have also acknowledged that money brought them sense of insecurity and vexation.
Rich entrepreneurs laid more importance on career than marriage and family and half of them turned a blind eye to extramarital affairs.
On the question of which one will you choose, career or marriage and family, 21 chose the former as against only 12 the latter.
As of the extramarital relations, ten said they were indifferent to it while six believed it was reasonable as against 16 who held it was irrational. Apart from that, six of them have ever divorced.
Most of the rich entrepreneurs hold a proper attitude towards life.
When answering the question of what can make you feel great happiness, 11 chose health, 9 successful career, 8 easy life and 6 happy family.
Being asked on the attitude on life, 20 of them have voiced positive opinion on that, while 9 held life was changeable as against 1 who held an indifferent view.
Generally speaking, most of the rich entrepreneurs held proper and active view on life. But there were still a certain amount of people held that life was changeable, which showed their helplessness towards the reality.
Rich entrepreneurs are polarized on religious belief.
When being asked the view on religious belief, 16 voiced their indifferent view followed by 13 positive answers and 4 negative ones.
On the question of whether you had religious belief or not, 23 chose no while 10 chose yes.
As of the question of which religion you believed in, only 12 chose Buddhism, and 2 who declined to acknowledge personal belief also chose Buddhism. They believed to be non-Buddhists but appropriated Buddhist ideas and were fascinated by the influence of Buddhist doctrine and posed themselves off as disciples of Buddhist thinking.
Generally speaking, there were 20 rich entrepreneurs who held indifferent or negative idea towards religion, and most of them adopted an attitude of negating it. However, there were also 13 who had positive view on religion or believed in Buddhism, which could not be neglected.
2. To have more, you have to become more.
3. Don't wish for easy things, wish for more skills.
4. You are not paid for time, you are paid for the value of what you put in the market place (be more valuuabe).
5. Don't just read only the easy stuff, you won't grow, tackle the difficult things.
6. You don't have to change the outside, instead, change whats inside.
7. Set up your sail.
8. Get your library
9. Make rest a necessity and not an objective.
10. Plant in the Spring or go begging in the Winter.
- When you take inventory of your worth, you will come to full realization that no one on the face of the earth can make you feel inferior without your permission.
- Since the beginning of time, billions of people have lived on the face of the earth. There are several billions of people on earth today, but there never has been and there never will be another you. You are a rare, exclusive, different and unique being on the face of the earth
- You have the capacity between your ears to store more information than can be stored in dozens of man’s most sophisticated computers.
‘Scientist tells us that if man were to attempt to create a human brain, it would cost billions of dollars, would be larger than the Empire state building and would require more electricity than a city of thousands. It's construction would involve the most brilliant men in the world and yet with all of this size, cost and power requirements, this man-made brain couldn't originate a single thought, which you can do in the flash of an eye.
- You're a remarkable person with more than enough capability to climb to the top.
- "God loves you - whether you like it or not"
- You must have faith in yourself
- Success is easy - after you believe - and since you are on your way to believing, you are on your way to succeeding.
- We have no right to belittle ourselves or any human being - God is no through with us.
- You are somebody because God doesn't take time to make a nobody and once you learn how much you matter to God, you don't have to go out and show the world how much you matter.
- The way you look on the outside has a definite bearing on how you feel and see yourself on the inside.
- The better you look, the better you feel.
- Your outward appearance does affect your image and your perfomance.
- Employers note that employees to better work all other things been equal, when they are neatly and sharply dressed.
- To improve your self-image, make-up or dress-up.
Read the biographies and the autographies of the men and women of every race, creed and color who used what they had and got a deal out of life by making contributions to life. i.e., life stories of Henry Ford, Walter Chrysler, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison e.t.c.
Listen to the speakers, teachers and preachers who build mankind.
- Build a healthy self-image with a series of short steps.
- One reason many people never attempt a new thing is their fear of failure.
- Start something in an area where you know you can succeed. Once Success is accomplished there, move another step.
- Join the smile and compliment club.
- When you smile at someone and they smile back you automatically feel better.
- The most destitute person in the world is the one without a smile.
- Be cheerful when you pick a phone call, i.e., answer thus "Hello, Good Morning" etc.
- Do something for someone else
- When you do something for somebody, accept no compensation. The people you assist should not be in a position to do something for you in return.
- "No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of if to anyone else" - Charles Dickens.
- Deliberately associate with people of a high moral character who look on the bright side of life.
- Find yourself in positive environments, it will help your self-image and attitude in life.
- You acquire much if the thinking, mannerisims and characteristics of the people you are around.
- Your I.Q. could be affected by your environment and associates.
- To build your self-image, make a list of your positive qualities on a card and keep it for handy reference.
- Ask your friends to make a list of the things they like about you.
STEP 10.
- Make a victory list to remind you of your past successes.
STEP 11.
- To build a healthy self-image, there are some things you must avoid, especially Pornograohy - literally everything that goes into your mind has an effect and is permanently recorded, it either builds and prepares you for the future or it tears you down and reduces your accomplishment possibilities for the future.
STEP 12.
- To improve your self-image, learn from the successful failures.
- Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, etc.
STEP 13.
- One of the best, quickest and most effective way to improve your self image and your performance is to join an organisation with worthwile goals that requires you to participate by speaking.
STEP 14.
- Look directly into the eyes of the person you talk to, you can start with children and your peer group.
STEP 15.
- Alter your physical appearance when necessary, practical and desirable. i.e exercise to keep you fit.
- All of these steps is to help you improve your self-image, so that you can accept yourself. Once you accept yourself, your bank account in self-confidence will grow, communication barriers will be removed and your family relatiionship will be improved, you'll find it easier to get with others, regardless of race, creed, color, ethnic background or occupatinal interest.
- "It's not who is right that is important - it's what is right."
- "The person who won't stand for anything will fall for anything."
- "Tell the truth and tell it ever, costeth what it will for he who hides the wrong he did - does the wrong thing still."
- When you work for someone - work for them all the way.
- If you are in something, get all the way in and if you can't get all the way in - then get all the way out.
- Always see the positive side of others.
- Show appreciation and then you leave the person better than you found him.
- A sincere accomplishment is one of the most effective teaching and motivational methods in existence.
- A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.
- If you build people mentally, morally, physically and spiritually they will build the business on the same foundation.
- People need loving most when they deserve it the least.
- Worry is a misuse of the imagination.
- Don't be an "if thinker" be a "how thinker" you may give out but never give up.
- Joy adds and multiplies as you divide it with others - God's Mathematics.
- You can get everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want.
- Different treatments brings out different results - "the rat story" - your attitude matters.
- The way you see them is the way you treat them and the way you treat them is the way they often become.
- You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.
- The way you see situations and people is extreemly important because, you must treat people and situations exactly as you see them.
- It's extreemly important to see others properly.
- Criticize the performance and not the perfomer.
- When dealing with people, encourage them by letting them know that they can do better.
- Let them know that their perfomance is not up to their standards.
- Convince them that they can and they will.
- When you see ability in others and help nourish and develop that ability, it makes some remarkable contributions.
- You affect the lives of others, either positively or negatively. Hence, it's important to maintain a proper perspective and a good attitude towards others.
- Love will not die through neglect just so will a flower or tree.
- Love will tarnish unliess it is polished with daily applications of interest, involvement and expression of love.
- Real love is a growing and developing process that involves every emotion, problem, joy and triumph known to man.
- True love is truely beautiful and private.
- Duty makes us do things well but love makes us do things beautifully.