
Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Best Kept Secret Of The Rich

Rich people have about 24 hours in a day and poor people had 24 hours in a day. Both have equal time but it’s the outcome that is different.

So what made the difference? Time management.

I don’t like to use the word time management. You can only manage something you can control. You can’t control time. You can’t add more hours or control what’s going to happen. I like to use the term time maximizing.

Maximizing that 24 hours. Time is more valuable then money. It’s your most important asset. We all start the day with 24 hours. No more...No less.

It’s what we do with that 24 hours that will shape our lives. Once it’s gone, you can’t go back and get it. You can always get more money but never more time. There is no time bank to lend you time. You invest it, spend it or waste it.

The moment you begin to think of time as precious, a resource and that it has a price, the richer you’ll become.

Here are ten suggestions to help you start maximizing your time:

1. Learn to say NO
This is the most effective time maximizing word.

2. When you work—work and when you play—play
Don’t mix the two. Give it your all while working but once your business obligations are done, take the time to play.

3. Know your peak hours
Discover your most productive time. Schedule your most demanding business activities during your peak hours.

4. The telephone is for your convenience
There is no law that says you have to answer the phone or give out your cell phone number. If you don’t have a secretary, use caller ID, answering machine or voice mail to screen you calls. Return them at your convenience. This applies to both business and family time.

5. Use one calendar - Day Planner
Make your day planner the central location for your information. Keep track of business expenses, both personal and business appointment, telephone conversations, meeting notes, to do list etc.

6. Know the value of an hour
Take the total amount of hours you work a week and multiply them by 50. Now take your current yearly income and divide it by those hours. That is your hourly worth.

For example: You work 30 hours a week. 30 x 50 = 1500. Your income is $100,000. Divide $100,000 by 1500 and you get $56.67. Your working hour is worth $56.57. Repeat this for your desired income.

7. Hire somebody or delegate it
Are you really saving money doing it yourself or is costing you money?

8. Have a game plan
Always plan your day before you start. This is going to take great discipline. Once you’ve mastered that move to planning your week, then a month, 3 months, 6 month, and than a year.

9. Manage Interruptions
Put a do not disturb sign on your door. If some on insist on interrupting you with a problem, have them write it out with 3 possible solutions before seeing you. Don’t forget to turn the TV off. TV is a great time interrupter. Actually it’s a great time stealer.

10. Organize your work space and home
Disorganization and messiness can weigh you down. You’ll get more done if your organized. This may take more time up front to set it up but will save time in the long run.

Either you run your day or your day will run you, which do you choose

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